February 2025

Insight & Solutions  2


iReports: Easy, Fast, Secure

ADP® is pleased to announce the full-scale launch of iReports/iArchive feature. This browser-based tool is designed to ensure you have fast, easy, and secure access to important quarterly and payroll reports.  

Easing the Transition from Summer Vacation Back to School

As the "lazy, hazy, crazy" days of summer wind toward their inevitable end, parents and children may experience mixed emotions about returning to the more structured routines of the school year. Being aware of some of the emotional issues that may arise for children and planning ahead for the shifts in routines can help smooth the transition.

Preparing for an Empty Nest

Many parents think ahead to the day when their children will leave home. Some might do so in anticipation, especially if the adolescent and teen years were particularly challenging. Others worry about losing their children to adulthood and the unavoidable change in the child-parent relationship.

Upcoming Events

Regional Alerts

ACA Compliance: End the Confusion with ADP’s Health Care Solution.


The Bottom Line is an up-to-date guide through issues that most concern employers – as well as HR outsourcing solutions.


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