March 2025


Minneapolis Minimum Wage to Reach $15 an Hour by 2024


[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: Andaika Jean-Noel/Monday, August 14, 2017/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Categories]: [EasyDNNnews:Categories]

Under a minimum wage ordinance approved by the Minneapolis City Council on June 30, 2017, all employers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, must pay their employees at least $15.00 an hour by July 1, 2024.  The ordinance applies to anyone who works in Minneapolis for any amount of time.

The ordinance will be implemented under a tiered phase-in period for “large” and “small” employers. Large employers (with at least 101 employees) must pay Minneapolis workers $15.00 an hour in five years. Small employers (with up to 100 employees) will have seven years to reach that target wage.

The ordinance does not include an exception for tipped workers in the hospitality industry. All workers will be subject to the minimum wage, regardless of tips.

The hourly minimum wage tiered phase-in period will be as follows:


Large Business

Small Business

January 1, 2018


No increase

July 1, 2018



July 1, 2019



July 1, 2020



July 1, 2021



July 1, 2022



January 1, 2023

$15.00 (indexed to inflation)

No increase

July 1, 2023

No increase


July 1, 2024

$15.00 (indexed to inflation)

$15.00 (indexed to inflation)


Coverage:  All employers with employees working in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Effective:   January 1, 2018

Action Required:  Please contact your Human Resources Business Partner if you have any questions.

Produced in cooperation with Jackson Lewis P.C.

This content provides practical information concerning the subject matter covered and is provided with the understanding that ADP is not rendering legal advice. 

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