March 2025


Rhode Island Requires Veterans Benefits and Services Poster


Rhode Island has enacted legislation (House Bill 7058), which will require employers with more than 50 employees to post a veterans’ benefits and services poster. House Bill 7058 takes effect on Jan.  1, 2025.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Tuesday, October 1, 2024[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island Expands Family Leave; Increases Unemployment Benefits


Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 2121A), which increases both the length of leave available to employees under the Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) law and the minimum dependent allowance. The law is set to take effect in two parts: on Jan.  1, 2025, and on Jan. 1, 2026.
[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, July 29, 2024[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island Makes Juneteenth a State Holiday


Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 0444A), which will make June nineteenth (Juneteenth) a state holiday. Senate Bill 0444A takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Tuesday, September 5, 2023[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island Prohibits Provisions that Conceal Civil Rights Claims


Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 0342aa), which prohibits employers from requiring that an employee enter into a nondisclosure or confidentiality agreement that requires alleged civil rights violations to remain confidential. Senate Bill 0342aa is effective immediately.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Tuesday, September 5, 2023[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island Clarifies and Increases Penalties for Wage Theft and Independent Contractor Misclassification


Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 1079a), which clarifies and increases certain penalties for employers that are found to have violated certain payment laws or misclassified independent contractors. Senate Bill 1079a takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Tuesday, September 5, 2023[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island establishes pregnancy special enrollment


Rhode Island has enacted legislation that mandates a special enrollment into health care coverage based on pregnancy.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Tuesday, November 29, 2022[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island adds employment protections for recreational marijuana users


Rhode Island has enacted the Rhode Island Cannabis Act (the Act), which adds and clarifies workplace protections related to cannabis use.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Tuesday, August 2, 2022[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island Wage Deduction Law Has Been Amended


Rhode Island’s wage deduction law has been amended to further limit the types of deductions or withholdings employers can make from employee wages. 
[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, October 2, 2017[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: Andaika Jean-Noel/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island Employer’s Refusal to Hire Medical Marijuana User Violates State Law


The Rhode Island Superior Court holds that an employer cannot refuse to hire a medical marijuana cardholder, even if the individual admittedly would not pass the employer’s pre-employment drug test required of all applicants.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, June 12, 2017[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: Andaika Jean-Noel/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Rhode Island and District of Columbia Pregnancy Accommodation Handbook Updates


Our model handbook policies have recently been updated to include a specific District of Columbia and Rhode Island Pregnancy Accommodation policy.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Wednesday, February 17, 2016[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: Taneil Jaeger/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Recent RI Updates

Pennsylvania Modifies Tax Treatment of Dependent Care Assistance Plan Contributions


[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/Tuesday, April 2, 2024/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Categories]: [EasyDNNnews:Categories]

Pennsylvania has modified its tax code to treat Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP) contribution amounts up to $5,000 as being excluded from Pennsylvania state income tax and Pennsylvania local Earned Income Taxes (EIT)

The details:

With the enactment of Pennsylvania House Bill 1300 (HB 1300), the Tax Reform Act of 1971 was amended to stipulate contributions to an Internal Revenue Code Section 129 DCAP will no longer be subject to the state income tax. Previously, DCAP contributions were only exempt from federal taxation.

Note: Since local EITs under Pennsylvania Act 32 of 2008 use the same taxable wages as state income tax, these contributions are no longer subject to local EIT as well. Philadelphia local income tax is not under PA Act 32 as is therefore not impacted.

HB 1300 retroactively modified the state income tax treatment of DCAP contributions back to Jan.  1, 2023. In Feb. Pennsylvania released guidance to both employers and employees (see below) in the state the process that may be followed to claim a state income deduction for DCAP contributions made during the 2023 tax year.

Act 34 of 2023 - Dependent Care Plan (Section 129) - Employer Info (

Act 34 of 2023 - Dependent Care Plan (Section 129) - Employee Info (

Recently, Pennsylvania released further guidance stating in the link below:

“Stop withholding for tax year 2024 on dependent care benefits (up to $5,000).”

Dependent Care Assistance (

Next steps for 2024:

ADP modified its payroll systems for payrolls processing on or after March 15, 2024, to treat contributions to a DCAP made under a qualified Internal Revenue Code Section 125 cafeteria plan as pre-tax in relation to Pennsylvania state and local earned income taxes, except Philadelphia. 

For employees with DCAP contributions made on or after Jan.  1, 2024, and prior to when the ADP systems were updated, the taxable wages have been adjusted retroactively to reflect the Pennsylvania pre-tax treatment. These adjustments will be reflected in your Wage & Tax Registers, quarterly returns, and W-2s for first quarter 2024 and beyond.  Employees will reconcile their state and local taxes withheld when filing their personal income tax returns.

Next steps for 2023:

ADP is currently analyzing options for handling updates for 2023. We will communicate again soon with more information and instructions.

Have questions?

Please contact your ADP Service Representative with any questions.  


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