September 2024


Reviewing the I-44 Report: Verifying employee social security numbers


Author: ADP Admin/Monday, November 29, 2021/Categories: Bulletin News

To avoid unnecessary year-end delays one of the most important things you can do for your company is verify SSN’s for your employees. Reviewing this information will ensure that you and your employees receive correct W-2’s. For your convenience ADP will automatically generate a report of new hires, with 12 months of service or less after your first payroll in November is processed. This report is called the I-44 Year End SSN Verification Report.

Please have your employees from this report verify their SSN for accuracy and report any errors to your Payroll Service Representative no later than Dec. 17, 2021.  This report can also be produced upon request if needed. Note: You may want to place a hold on your Forms W-2/1099 print for corrections to be made. If you do in fact need a hold place on the W-2/1099 print, please contact your Payroll Service Representative no later than Dec. 29, 2021.

How to Produce the I-44 Year End SSN Verification Report

1.     Log into My ADP Resource and click on the Reporting tab

2.     On the left-hand side of the screen under Standard Reports click on Payroll Reports

3.     Select the Payroll Reports Tab

4.     Click on “View” under Custom ADP Reports (MR Download)

5.     Select the Year (2021) and Week/Pay Date (1st Paydate in November) and click “Get

6.     Click on the File Name YEAR END SSN VERIFICATION – I44.CSV “hyperlink” to open the report then Click “Open

7.     Sort by Name, File Number, or Hire Date to review each of the new hires in 2021 that SSN need to be confirmed.

NOTE: If your report is blank you do not have any new hires to review and no further action is required.

8.     Sort by Name, File Number, or Hire Date and confirm each SSN*

9.     Inform your Payroll Service Representative if you identify any discrepancies.

For more detailed information on any of the topics above, you can select the individual titles to go to a more detailed communication. Or you can access various resources in My ADP Resource by going to FormSource > Year End Processing and viewing the following PDFs:

·       Quarter & Year End Library

·       Employee SSN Review 2021

·       W-2 Accuracy: Viewing Forms W-2 or Preview Forms W-2 in iReports

·       And much more!

If you have any questions, we’re here to help you.    

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Tags: 12/02/21

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