March 2025


California issues key information on its New Pay Data Reporting requirement


[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/Tuesday, February 2, 2021/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Categories]: [EasyDNNnews:Categories]


As previously communicated, on September 30, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 973, a new pay data reporting requirement. Covered employers will have to provide California's DFEH with pay data by specified job categories and by race, ethnicity and sex. The reports will be due on an annual basis, starting March 31, 2021, for calendar year 2020.

Pay Data Report Information

To support California's new annual pay data reporting requirement, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) has created a webpage on pay data reporting ( The webpage includes a link to the new law (SB 973), questions and answers organized by topic.  Importantly, it was recently updated to include three key pieces of information: a guide to using the portal (User Guide), a template that employers may use to submit their data (Excel Template), and an example of a CSV submission (CSV Example). 

According to the DFEH webpage, a portal for covered employers to submit their data to the DFEH (Pay Reporting Portal) will open on February 16, 2021. 

Call to action:  ADP® is closely monitoring all activity related to the California pay data reporting requirement, and its products are preparing to support the new report.  ADP will continue to provide information when it is made available. 

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