March 2025


Washington - King County, WA Enacts Minimum Wage Ordinance


[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/Tuesday, December 3, 2024/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Categories]: [EasyDNNnews:Categories]

King County, Washington has enacted legislation that will increase the minimum wage in unincorporated King County.

The Details: 

The minimum wage in unincorporated areas of King County, Washington will increase, effective Jan.  1, 2025, as follows:

Employers with more than 500 employees

$20.29 per hour

Employers with 16 to 499 employees

$18.29 per hour

Employers with 15 or fewer employees with $2 million or more in annual gross revenue

$18.29 per hour

Employers with 15 or fewer employees with less than $2 million in annual gross revenue

$17.29 per hour

Washington state does not allow the use of a tip credit by employers when paying tipped employees.


Next steps:

As of Jan. 1, 2025, employers located in unincorporated King County, WA must pay their employees at least the amounts noted in the table above.

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Please contact your dedicated service professional with any questions.  


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