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Sick Leave Toolkit Updated for Los Angeles and San Diego


Author: TJaeger2/Wednesday, July 6, 2016/Categories: California

Our sick leave toolkit which includes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and model sick leave policies for jurisdictions with sick leave laws has been updated.

The updates reflect new sample policies for the following jurisdictions:

  • Los Angeles, CA
  • San Diego, CA


Please note that while model policies are currently available, on June 27th the City of Los Angeles released implementing regulations clarifying the sick leave law ordinance.   These updates will be reflected in the toolkit shortly with a 6/29/16 version date.  The most important update deals with employer coverage.

This ordinance has two effective dates, depending on the number of employees that an employer employs in Los Angeles:

1)            For employers with 26 or more employees in Los Angeles: July 1, 2016

2)            For “small businesses” (employers with fewer than 26 employees in Los Angeles): July 1, 2017

The current toolkit is available on FormSource in the Leave and Return to Work section.

As always, please contact your HR Business Partner if you have any questions.

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