March 2025


Maine Upholds Veto of Recreational Marijuana Law


[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: Andaika Jean-Noel/Tuesday, December 5, 2017/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Categories]: [EasyDNNnews:Categories]

On November 6, 2017, the Maine House of Representative upheld Governor Paul R. LePage’s veto of a bill to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana. The 74-62 vote fell 17 votes short of the two-thirds margin required to override the Governor’s veto.  The bill had been drafted by a special committee that was supposed to implement a law after Maine voters approved recreational marijuana in November 2016.

Currently seven states (and the District of Columbia) have recreational marijuana laws:  Alaska, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.

Coverage:  Employers with employees in Maine.

Effective:   Currently in effect

Action Required:  No action is required at this time.

As always, please be sure to contact your HR Business Partner if you have any questions.

* Produced in cooperation with Jackson Lewis P.C.

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