March 2025


Oregon Adds Public Service Protections


[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/Monday, October 30, 2023/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Categories]: [EasyDNNnews:Categories]

Oregon has enacted legislation (House Bill 3028), which adds protections for an employee that is appointed to a board, commission, council, or committee. House Bill 3028 is effective immediately.

The details

Under the law, employers are prohibited from taking the following actions against an employee who is an appointed member of a board, commission, council, or committee:

  • Discharging (or threatening to discharge), intimidating, or coercing an employee based on the employee’s service or scheduled service; or
  • Requiring an employee to use vacation leave, sick leave or annual leave for time spent in service as a member of a board, commission, council, or committee.

Employers must allow the employee to take leave without pay for time spent in service, but the law does not change any existing employer policies or agreements concerning employees’ wages when the employee serves or is scheduled to serve in office.

Next steps

Review pay and leave policies and procedures for employees who are appointed to a board, commission, council, or committee.

Please contact your ADP Service Representative with any questions.

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