February 2025

Insight & Solutions  2


Open Enrollment is Coming! Are You Ready?

Open Enrollment is only days away! Now is the time to make sure your benefits strategy is aligned with your business strategy.This year, our focus is on empowering you with the information you need to make knowledgeable decisions about your benefits selections. But first, let’s get you prepared. 

Get the most out of TotalSource TV

When your worksite employees sign up to get TotalSource TV links sent to their mobile devices, it’s an easy way for them to get educated about Open Enrollment, and the enrollment process.

2014 Forms W2 are available on iReports

Your 2014 Forms W2 are available on iReports.

Improved Job Description Questionnaire

We are pleased to announce that you can now request job descriptions and handbooks via My TotalSource

Workers’ Compensation Prescription Program Change

Helmsman Management Services, our Third Party Administrator (TPA) for workers’ compensation claims, has changed the pharmacy benefits program they provide to injured employees, effective February 2, 2015. 

Non-Work Use of Employer-Provided Email

The National Labor Relations Board has held that, absent special circumstances that justify specific restrictions, employers must permit employees who have been provided access to their employer’s email system to use that system for statutorily protected communications on their non-working time under the National Labor Relations Act.

Spring into New Classes!

Exciting news! It is all about YOU and we are thrilled to provide new virtual and live leadership classes to help you and your employees grow! 

Miss Something?

My TotalSource knows that with the fast pace of your business, it’s not always possible to read our news updates on the day they arrive. That’s why we keep a comprehensive Archives that allows you to browse our previous editions. Just need to stay abreast on the latest legal updates? Check out our Compliance Corner and new legislation that may affect your business.

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