March 2025


Oregon Adds Quota Protections for Warehouse Workers


Oregon has enacted legislation (House Bill 4127), which adds notice and recordkeeping requirements surrounding production quotas for warehouse workers. House Bill 4127 took effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Wednesday, March 5, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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New York - Updated: New York Takes Action to Prevent Violence in Retail


New York enacted legislation (Assembly Bill A8947C), which added workplace violence prevention requirements for employers. New York has also enacted legislation (Senate Bill S740), to help clarify these requirements. The laws’ workplace violence prevention policy and training requirements take effect on June 2, 2025 and the silence response button (SRB) requirements take effect on Jan. 1, 2027.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Wednesday, March 5, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Michigan Amends Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave Rules Again


Michigan has enacted two pieces of legislation that amend the state’s minimum wage and paid sick leave requirements further. The laws (Senate Bill 8 and House Bill 4002) took effect immediately on Feb. 21, 2025.
[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Wednesday, March 5, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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IRS Releases Taxation Guidance on State Paid Family and Medical Leave


On Jan. 15, 2025, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued guidance via Revenue Ruling 2025-4 (RR 2025-4) on the federal income and employment tax treatment of contributions and benefits paid in certain situations under a state paid family and medical leave program (SPFML), as well as the related reporting requirements. RR 2025-4 provides guidance to the District of Columbia and states that have mandatory paid family and medical leave programs, and for employees working in and employers operating in those states.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025/Author: ADP Admin/Number of views (34)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Bulletin News
Tags: 03/06/25

Employee Termination Checklist: Steps to Consider


One of the most difficult aspects of being an employer is terminating an employee. At times, it's a necessary decision for the best interests of the business, but it requires special care. When faced with an employee termination, consider using a checklist, such as the one provided here, to help you manage the employee termination process.

Monday, March 3, 2025/Author: ADP Admin/Number of views (64)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Bulletin News
Tags: 03/06/25

New York City Amends Lactation Room Accommodation Requirements


New York City has enacted legislation (Int 0892-2024), which amends lactation room accommodation policy requirements. Int 0892-2024 takes effect on May 11, 2025.
[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, March 3, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Michigan Requires New Poster for Veterans Services


Michigan has enacted a law that requires employers to display a notice about resources available to veterans. The new poster requirement takes effect April 2, 2025.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, March 3, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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Nevada to Eliminate Subminimum Wages


Nevada enacted legislation (Assembly Bill 259), which phases out the ability for employers to pay a subminimum wage to employees with disabilities in the state. The goal of the law is to eliminate the use of the subminimum wage in Nevada by Jan. 1, 2028.

[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, March 3, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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California - Los Angeles County, CA Adopts ‘Predictable Scheduling’ Ordinance for Retail Industry


Los Angeles County, California has enacted an ordinance that will require large employers in the retail sector to follow certain scheduling practices. The ordinance takes effect July 1, 2025
[EasyDNNnews:IfNotExists:Event]Monday, March 3, 2025[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event][EasyDNNnews:IfExists:Event][EasyDNNnews:EventDate][EasyDNNnews:EndIf:Event]/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Author]: ADP Admin/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Numberofviews] ([EasyDNNnews:NumberOfViews])/[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Comments] ([EasyDNNnews:Comments])/[EasyDNNnews:ArticleRating]
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DHS Terminates 2023 TPS Designation for Venezuela


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has terminated the 2023 Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Venezuela. Under the termination notice, Venezuela’s TPS status pursuant to the Oct. 3, 2023 designation will be terminated effective April 7, 2025.  However, work authorization and other TPS-related benefits are valid only through April 2, 2025.
Monday, March 3, 2025/Author: ADP Admin/Number of views (37)/Comments (0)/

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